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Intulse's Salesforce integration merges your phone system with your Salesforce account. With the integration enabled, any screen in the Intulse App that would normally display a simple phone number will instead automatically search the caller ID within Salesforce and return any contact or organization records that match that phone number.

Not an Intulse customer? Learn about our Salesforce VoIP integration »

When you receive an incoming call, instead of displaying the caller ID, your phone system will display the name of the caller as it appears in your Salesforce records. You can click on the caller’s name to open their records within Salesforce. You can quickly add your own commentary to the call log, which will automatically contain basic information about the call, such as the user and extension on your system with whom the call was connected, the date and start time of the call, the duration of the call, whether the call was inbound or outbound, and the external phone number. A copy of the call recording is also attached to the call log if it was recorded.

Text messages can also be logged for your Salesforce contacts. If enabled, a text message log will be created every night.

You will be able to send text messages and start calls to Salesforce contacts directly from within the Intulse App by simply searching for a contact name on the My Phone screen.

Furthermore, if you have the Intulse Companion App installed in your browser, you will be able to start calls and text message conversations directly inside Salesforce by simply clicking on a phone number.

To experience the integration between Intulse and Salesforce, you will need to use the Intulse App.

If you would like to have the Salesforce integration enabled for your account, please contact Intulse support and we would be happy to get you connected.


This guide assumes that you have already installed and logged into the Intulse App on your favorite device. If you need help installing and navigating the App, click here for a complete walkthrough.

Our Salesforce integration functions like our other integrations but due the complexity of the Salesforce platform, extra steps must be completed within Salesforce in order for the integration to work. These settings are accessed differently, depending on whether you are using the newer Salesforce lightning platform or their classic platform. Once you have accessed the settings for your platform, continue on to the instructions for setting up and connecting your apps.

Salesforce Lightning Setup

Setup of a new API app requires certain user policies. If you are unable to complete the following steps, please contact an administrator within your organization.

  • Click the gear in the top right corner of your browser window and select Setup.

  • On the left hand menu, scroll down to Platform Tools and expand the Apps menu.
  • Select App Manager.

  • Select New Connected App.

  • Enter a Connected App Name, API Name, and Contact Email.
  • Check the box beside Enable OAuth Settings and more options will appear.

  • Under the API settings, enter this Callback URL:
  • Under Selected OAuth Scopes, choose Manage user data via APIs and click the Add button.
    • Leave Require Secret for Web Server Flow checked.

  • After saving, it should take you to a page with the details of the app you just created. If this does not happen automatically, go to Apps > App Manager and click on the arrow to the right of the app then select View from the dropdown list.
  • Locate the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. You will need to enter those in the Intulse app in a later step. You may need to click Manage Consumer Details to reveal this information.

  • From here, click on Manage and on the next screen, click Edit Policies.
  • Change IP Relaxation to Relax IP Restrictions.

Salesforce Classic Setup

Setup of a new API app requires certain user policies. If you are unable to complete the following steps, please contact an administrator within your organization.

  • Select Setup from the menu options at the top of your page.
  • On the left hand menu, scroll down to Build and expand the Create menu.
  • Select Apps.

  • Under Connected Apps, click New.

  • Enter a Connected App Name, API Name, and Contact Email.
  • Check the box beside Enable OAuth Settings and more options will appear.

  • Under the API settings, enter this Callback URL:
  • Under Selected OAuth Scopes, choose Manage user data via APIs and click the Add BUTTON.
    • Leave Require Secret for Web Server Flow checked.

  • After saving, it should take you to a page with the details of the app you just created. If this does not happen automatically, go to Build > Create > Apps and click on the name of the newly created app.
  • Locate the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. You will need to enter those in the Intulse app in a later step. You may need to click Manage Consumer Details to reveal this information.

  • From here, click on Manage and on the next screen, Edit Policies.
  • Change IP Relaxation to Relax IP Restrictions.

  • Continue to the final steps of Connecting your Salesforce App to the Intulse App.

Connecting your Salesforce App to the Intulse App

System Administrators

Once a system administrator of your Salesforce and Intulse accounts completes the following steps, all users will need to log into the app with their Salesforce username and password.

  1. Enter your Connected App Consumer Key.
  2. Enter your Connected App Consumer Secret.
  3. Enter your Salesforce Username.
  4. Enter your Salesforce Password.
  5. Select your settings related to logging calls and text messages. These settings will apply to everyone in your organization who uses the integration.
    • Optionally, you can Enable automatic call logging. This will cause every incoming and outgoing call that can be matched against a contact to be logged after the call ends.
    • Text message logging is turned off by default. Checking this box will create a log of all text message conversations. If selected, each night a log will be created for all text message conversations that took place that day. Each conversation will be logged as one complete file, showing each message sent or received within that conversation.
  6. Use the drop-down list to select users who should be excluded from automatic call logging.
  7. Click the Save button to save your changes.

All Users

Once your system administrator has completed setting up the integration for your organization, each user on the Intulse system must complete the following steps.

  1. Open the Intulse App and select the More menu tab.
  2. Select Salesforce from the More menu.
  3. Enter your Salesforce Username & Password.
  4. Click the Save button to save your changes.

In order to fully benefit from this integration, both Salesforce and the Intulse App should be open and running in the background of your device.

For more information about Salesforce, check out their website!